Haunted and Mysterious Australia: Bunyips, Yowies, Phantoms and other strange phenomena

By: Tim the Yowie Man

Price: $34.95

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Condition: New

Views: 168

Why are the Min Min lights so mysterious? Is there really a Tasmanian bunyip? Where is Australia’s most haunted house or most haunted town? These stories range from poltergeists in tunnels beneath Sydney to ghost ships and spooky goings-on in disused gaols and historic penal settlements. There are yowies, a rash of ghosts in the nation’s capital, haunted shipwrecks, a glowing cross, a knife-throwing phantom and a variety of wandering beasties who infest the swamps, forests and highlands of Australia. Complete with full-colour photographs, illustrations and a comprehensive list of ghost tours, Haunted & Mysterious Australia is fascinating reading for anyone with an interest in things that go bump in the night – true believers and sceptics alike.

Title: Haunted and Mysterious Australia: Bunyips, Yowies, Phantoms and other strange phenomena

Author Name: Tim the Yowie Man

ISBN Number: 1742579434

ISBN-13: 9781742579436

Location Published: Australia, New Holland Publishers: 2017

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 27.0 x 21.5 x 1.7 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Australian History, Myth, Legend, Fairy & Folk Tales, Ghosts and Paranormal Activity

Seller ID: A1342

Keywords: 9781742579436, australia, bunyips, haunted and mysterious australia, phantoms and other strange phenomena, the really goo book shop, tim the yowie man, yowies