The Four Seasons of the Heart - 4 Book Box Set

By: Cynthia J. Morton

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Within this quartet of books that I have titled The Four Seasons of The Heart, I will share the deepest pivotal parts of my journey as a recovering alcoholic/addict and survivor of childhood abuse with you. One day at a time, I have lived clean and sober consistently since 1995. However, allowing myself to emotionally grow by not just giving but also receiving love and to genuinely feel deserving of my life's hard-earned rewards, has presented many challenges. Please allow me as we journey through these pages together to suggest ways that we can heal our heart, dust off our doubt, intercept self-sabotage and invest in self-respect. Critique: Cynthia Morton's Emotional Fitness Program is unrivalled. Read this book. Gain from it. Learn how to support yourself and others. And be renewed! Professor John B Saunders. Cynthia is a highly valued contributor to I have sat in the audience during our live events listening to Cynthia relive her story; you can hear a pin drop as she holds the audience spellbound. She makes you laugh, makes you cry and importantly she makes you want to be a better person. I think of Cynthia as an earth mother, a maternal, nurturing soul who genuinely cares for people, no matter what their story holds. You rarely come across people like Cynthia, but it would be a far better world if we did. Deborah Hutton Media personality, Founder & Publisher of Balance by Deborah Hutton, motivational speaker and author. Cynthia Morton is an extraordinary person. I first met her nearly 20 years ago when I was a medical specialist and academic in Queensland. She helps people reflect on how their experiences might have shaped them. Understanding the links is a vital first step to working on oneself. I am certain those who read The Four Seasons of the Heart will experience the healing process which is so evident in Cynthia's own life and in all that she has done. Professor John B Saunders, Professor and Consultant Physician in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine Sydney, Australia. Cynthia is one of those women you want as your best friend.the chick who is in your corner telling you like it is. I knew that she was a wise woman but never fully understood how wise until my life was thrown into chaos. So I am thrilled to see that some of this wisdom and love is now in book form for everyone to gain from. Whether you pick these books up and down at will or read cover to cover I am sure they will help change your perspective. Robin Bailey, Television and Radio Presenter. As a strong fit man I once presented a physically powerful external shell but internally I was struggling. In a nutshell, I was immature and emotionally unfit. I'm grateful for Cynthia's Emotional Fitness tips over the years, she has helped me to build the emotional muscle I needed to become a more emotionally accessible man and father. Wayne Carey, "The King" of Australian football, newspaper columnist, TV and radio commentator.

Title: The Four Seasons of the Heart - 4 Book Box Set

Author Name: Cynthia J. Morton

ISBN Number: 1925522032

ISBN-13: 9781925522037

Location Published: Australia, Boolarong Press: 2016

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Popular Psychology, Assertiveness, Motivation & Self-Esteem

Seller ID: 004001

Keywords: 4 book box set, 9781925522037, australia, cynthia j. morton, the four seasons of the heart, the really good book shop