Shadow Magic #2 Magic [used book]

By: Karen Whiddon

Price: $5.50

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: Good

Views: 122

It was said that when her people danced, powerful things happened. Thus, when the golden stranger appeared before her, demanding that which he believed she'd stolen, Deirdre was not afraid. She had spent many nights dreaming of this man on his white charger, this errant Faerie prince. He was everything she was not: light where she was dark. He burned like the fiery sun she was forbidden to see, that she longed to feel on her skin, and she wanted him in the same way. Would his touch be like flame, searing her instantly into dusty ash - or a more benevolent caress, sensual like sunrays warming the morning air? Yet Deirdre knew true joy did not come just from emerging from the darkness to feel the sun. There was more. Like love and passion, light and darkness were two halves of a whole. In their joining was the magic she sought.

Title: Shadow Magic #2 Magic [used book]

Author Name: Karen Whiddon

ISBN Number: 0505524910

ISBN-13: 9780505524911

Location Published: USA, Love Spell: 2003

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Mass Market

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Romantic Fantasy

Seller ID: 003216