The Puberty Book 5th Edition The bestselling guide for Children & Teenagers recommended by Family Planning Australia

By: Wendy Darvill

Price: $24.95

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: New

Views: 178

With all the latest information, this new fifth edition of The Puberty Book answers all of those direct (pre) teenage questions: What's a wet dream? How do you ask a girl on a date? How are sperm made? After sex do you get sick? What do you do if your penis is small? How does milk get into breasts? When should you start shaving your legs? With simple language and honest answers, the authors discuss the changes that happen at puberty - sex and sexuality, health, relationships, pregnancy and birth.

Title: The Puberty Book 5th Edition The bestselling guide for Children & Teenagers recommended by Family Planning Australia

Author Name: Wendy Darvill

Edition: Fifth Edition

ISBN Number: 0733626394

ISBN-13: 9780733626395

Illustrator: Kelsey Powell

Location Published: Australia, Hachette: 2011

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 20.8 x 13.7 x 1.6 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Teenagers, Puberty & Sex Education, Puberty & Sex Education

Seller ID: 003004

Keywords: 5th edition, 9780733626395, australia, recommended by family planning australia, the bestselling guide for children & teenagers, the puberty book, the really good book shop, wendy darvill