Wicker @ Cast of Shadows [used book]

By: Kevin Guilfoile

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 130

A vial of DNA is all Dr Davis Moore needs to identify his daughter's murderer after years of grief and uncertainty. If he could take the fateful step to clone the killer, would it really be so wrong if justice were the outcome? But the outcome is a boy named Justin Finn, whose face - one day - will be the exact match of the cold-blooded killer of whom he is a perfect genetic replica. Can Davis Moore bear to watch Justin's path to adulthood, knowing the terrible secret of his conception? Can he bear not to? Or is it more horrifying to have unleashed a new serial killer on the world?

More Description

Set twenty years in the future. Cloning specialist Davis Moore's teenage daughter has been brutally murdered. The police have drawn a blank in their investigations but erroneously sent him a vial containing the killer's DNA. Should he clone the killer so that he could look him in the eye?

Title: Wicker @ Cast of Shadows [used book]

Author Name: Kevin Guilfoile

ISBN Number: 0141021926

ISBN-13: 9780141021928

Location Published: UK, Penguin: 2006

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Crime Thriller, Techno-Thriller

Seller ID: 002389