Goddess of Eire [used book]

By: Janeen O'Kerry

Price: $5.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

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No one ever said winning a Goddess's love was easy... Parlan, the new high king of Ireland, has been chosen by his people. Now he must be seen as a king in the eyes of the gods of ancient Ireland. He must take the goddess Eriu as his wife for one night, but he quickly realizes that one night will never be enough. Yet even a king must work for the love of a goddess. And when his arrogance opens his country up to a terrible curse, Parlan must depend on Eriu's mercy to save them all. Despite her temptation to give in to the strong and handsome mortal king, her pride does not allow Eriu to let Parlan take her as his wife. Yet as the goddess of the land, Eriu's fate is tied directly to that of the country the Black Dragon is destroying. Although she has vowed to help Parlan defeat the Dragon, her power is weakening and Parlan is left to fight a battle with the odds, gods, and even his own men against him.

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Title: Goddess of Eire [used book]

Author Name: Janeen O'Kerry

ISBN Number: 0505525879

ISBN-13: 9780505525871

Location Published: USA, Love Spell: 2006

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Historical Romance

Seller ID: 000937