Bitter Sweet [used book]

By: Lavyrle Spencer

Price: $7.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 88

How do you teach a heart to love again? Maggie Pearson. Shattered by the loss of her husband, she struggled each day to put her grief behind her. To be there for her teenage daughter. And to face life again. When she returned to her Wisconsin hometown, she never expected to feel a spark of longing-for her old high school sweetheart ... Eric Severson. His marriage to a driven career woman had left him childless and unhappy-he knew there had to be more to life than always wanting what you couldn't have. Seeing Maggie again filled him with hope. Maybe the answer to his dreams had just come to town.... Their memory of young love blossomed into an affair that would shake both their lives-and would challenge everything; they believed about loving each other. Could they follow a dream from the past? Or had they missed the chance of a lifetime?

Title: Bitter Sweet [used book]

Author Name: Lavyrle Spencer

ISBN Number: 0261671901

ISBN-13: 9780261671904

Location Published: UK, Grafton Books: 1999

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Contemporary

Seller ID: 000785