Andy Roid and the Avalanche of Evil #10 Andy Roid

By: Felice Arena

Price: $9.95

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: New

Views: 118

Judd's on a rescue mission, and he's brought Andy along as his weapon of choice. Can Andy help Judd and bring down the forces of evil and still stay true to what he believes in? The pressure's on and the stakes have never been higher! About the Author Felice Arena is one of Australia's best-loved children's writers. He is the author and creator of many popular and award-winning children's books including the Boyz Rule series, the Girlz Rock series, Wish, Bravo Billy, Breakaway John, Dolphin Boy Blue, Mission Buffalo, the Farticus Maximus books and, of course, the Specky Magee books.

Title: Andy Roid and the Avalanche of Evil #10 Andy Roid

Author Name: Felice Arena

ISBN Number: 014330741X

ISBN-13: 9780143307419

Location Published: Australia, Puffin: 2013

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: CH Action & Adventure

Seller ID: 000601