Encore on Strings Music Maestros 2 Cello - CD Included

By: Mark Gibson and Keith Sharp and Natalie Sharp

Price: $29.50

Quantity: 100 available

Condition: New

Views: 172

Encore on Strings is an inspiring program that delivers on every aspect of learning and teaching. The two level Music Maestros course books for violin, viola, cello and bass are a dynamic resource. This well-paced series is suitable for both private and group tuition. Students are motivated by an engaging format that features fun characters throughout the series. Illustrations that include colour and humour complement music scores that are user friendly. Notation sizes have been carefully considered to suit the target age group. Fiddle Zips are unique to Encore on Strings. These micro pieces are used to introduce new concepts and skills. The technical skills developed through the Fiddle Zips are used as essential building blocks throughout the series. Each book comes with outstanding arrangements on CD. Students are motivated and energised by the diversity of styles that range from classical through to rock and reggae. They also develop an enhanced awareness of rhythm and pitch through exposure to high quality aural models. The inclusion of practice and performance speeds allows for a variety of learning stages. THE CURRICULUM Book One begins with the essentials of learning about the instrument. Due emphasis is placed on good posture as the foundation for a reliable technical setup. Illustrations show students the fundamental points for positioning their instrument to achieve a well balanced and aligned stance or sitting position. Students are also guided on how to form a balanced and flexible bow hold. An awareness of the relationship between tone quality, resonance, secure pitch and technique is ongoing throughout the series. Pizzicato open strings are introduced before arco playing. Activities that encourage flexibility are embedded into the learning sequence. These include body percussion elements in bridge passages and improvisation activities such as harmonic slides up and down the fingerboard. Transposition is encouraged across both levels. Book Two features more challenging pieces and introduces slurred bowing. Advancing bowing techniques such as martelé, hook stroke and spiccato are also covered in this level. Other focus areas include dynamics, the introduction of C and G Major finger patterns, and a wider selection of rhythmic units. The inclusion of ensemble options completes a balanced and motivating approach to the early teaching of strings.

Title: Encore on Strings Music Maestros 2 Cello - CD Included

Author Name: Mark Gibson and Keith Sharp and Natalie Sharp

ISBN Number: 1876355190

ISBN-13: 9781876355197

Location Published: Australia, Accent Publishing: 2005

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Encore/Accent, Encore/Accent, Learning Instruments, Cello

Seller ID: 004522

Keywords: 9781876355197, australia, cd included, cello, encore on strings, keith sharp, mark gibson, mmck-02c, music maestros 2, natalie sharp, the really good book shop