Sound Waves Student Chart

By: Firefly Education

Price: $6.95

Quantity: 92 available

Condition: New

Views: 164

The Sound Waves Student Chart is an A3 folded to A4 handy chart for students. It provides an easy reference for each student to use for decoding and encoding words. They are used to: Introduce and explore phonemes. Discover and identify graphemes. Play games to reinforce phonemes. Graphemes and spelling patterns. To provide a reference for spelling choices for sounds.

Title: Sound Waves Student Chart

Author Name: Firefly Education

ISBN Number: 1741351936

ISBN-13: 9781741351934

Location Published: Australia, Firefly Education: 2013

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: A3 folded to A4

Kg: 0.20 Kg

Type: Chart

Categories: Sound Waves, Sound Waves, Sound Waves

Seller ID: 9781741351934

Keywords: 1741351936, 9781741351934, a whole school phonemic approach to spelling, dictionary, foundation, prep, sound waves student chart, soundwaves