iMaths F Foundation Student Book National Edition

By: Mary Serenc and Lena Ford

Price: $18.95

Quantity: 94 available

Condition: New

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The iMaths Foundation Program has been developed by experienced practising teachers who have ensured that the design, approach and content reflect appropriate developmental stages and current trends in early childhood education. iMaths Student Book Foundation contains: All Topics (maths concepts) required to cover the three content strands of the Australian Curriculum. Perforated pages so students can tear out and add to their folio. Coloured sticker pages used to complete Topic pages and enhance fine motor skills. Full colour layout.

Title: iMaths F Foundation Student Book National Edition

Author Name: Mary Serenc and Lena Ford

ISBN Number: 1741351758

ISBN-13: 9781741351750

Location Published: Australia, Firefly Education: 2011

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: iMaths, iMaths, iMaths

Seller ID: 004152

Keywords: 9781741351750, an investigation-based approach to numeracy, australia, imaths f, imaths foundation, national edition, student book, the really good book shop