The Wedding Season [used book]

By: Su Dharmapala

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: Good

Views: 94

Meet Shani - she's thirty-two, single and has a job to die for. And she likes her life just the way it is, thankyou! So why do her family and friends insist on trying to convince her that the only way to the perfect life is meeting the perfect man? When Shani's horoscope miraculously reveals that now is the best time of her life for marriage, Shani's mother decides to take control. Turning a deaf ear to Shani's protests, she arranges a parade of potential grooms, in the hope that her shamefully unmarried daughter will salvage the family honour by finding - finally! -Mr Right. But true life, like true love, can get very complicated. Amidst a riot of hilarious dates with would-be husbands, Shani has to cope with a minor Machiavelli at work, a house that is literally falling down around her ears, and a neurotic mother with serious cultural baggage. Worst of all, her best friend, who seems to have it all, is sliding into depression, and Shani seems powerless to help. Through a flurry of curry, cricket, sarees, and sumptuous ceremonies, Shani comes to learn that love comes in many disguises - and degrees of satisfaction - and that life is a one-shot game, even if you do believe in reincarnation. About the Author: Su Dharmapala is social media commentator, writer and blogger. She was born in Singapore and grew up between Singapore and Sri Lanka before immigrating to Australia in 1989. She completed her Bachelor of Arts (majoring in French and German) and Bachelor of Science at Monash University in 1997. After graduating from University, Su worked in technology for some of Australia's Fortune 500 companies. Su took a two year break from her professional career after her son was born and it was during this time her love for writing was re-ignited. Su blogs on all things mothering and her posts are often syndicated on When she is not writing or mothering, she is an avid watcher of that bad reality TV show that is Australian politics while cooking scrumptious feats for friends and family.

Title: The Wedding Season [used book]

Author Name: Su Dharmapala

ISBN Number: 0731815602

ISBN-13: 9780731815609

Location Published: Australia, Simon & Schuster: 2012

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Trade Paperback

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Contemporary

Seller ID: 004073

Keywords: 9780731815609, australia, su dharmapala, the really good book shop, the wedding season