The Wizard in Waiting #2 Pelmen the Powershaper [used book]

By: Robert Don Hughes

Price: $9.00

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: Good

Views: 141

A new power is stirring... The Imperial House of Chaomonous was awake again. For a thousand years, while the two-headed dragon barred magic from the Golden Kingdom, the castle had slept. But now the dragon is dead, and the castle has awoken... The throne has been usurped by Queen Ligne, while the rightful heir, Princess Bronwynn, has been locked in the dungeons. And now - to make matters worse - brutal slaver Admon Faye has invaded its lower depths. The realm of Lamath is in great tumult. But where is the powershaper, the wizard of ancient magic who could understand its warnings? Only Pelmen, former Prophet of Lamath, has the ability to restore peace to the land. But he is far away, rehearsing a play to flatter the tyrannical Queen with a troupe of actors. For the Imperial House and Princess Bronwynn, Pelmen may be the only hope left. But can he answer their prayers in time? Meanwhile, prisoners of the vicious Queen are sent to the dungeon never return... With Lamath on the brink of war, the former Prophet Pelmen is faced with his greatest challenge yet!

Title: The Wizard in Waiting #2 Pelmen the Powershaper [used book]

Author Name: Robert Don Hughes

ISBN Number: 0006173446

ISBN-13: 9780006173441

Location Published: UK, Fontana: 1987

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Epic & Heroic

Seller ID: 004054

Keywords: #2 pelmen the powershaper, 9780006173441, australia, robert don hughes, the really good book shop, the wizard in waiting