Whoever You are

By: Mem Fox

Price: $15.95

Quantity: 5 available

Condition: New

Views: 135

Every day all over Australia, children are laughing and crying, playing and learning, eating and sleeping. They may not look the same or speak the same language but inside, they are just like you. This story weaves its way across cultures and generations, celebrating the bond that unites us all.

Title: Whoever You are

Author Name: Mem Fox

ISBN Number: 1760152870

ISBN-13: 9781760152871

Illustrator: Leslie Staub

Location Published: Australia, Scholastic: 2015

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 25.0 x 24.0 x 0.5 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Picture Books, Mem Fox

Seller ID: 003852

Keywords: 9781760152871, australia, leslie staub, mem fox, the really good book shop, whoever you are