Death Warmed Over: The Cases of Dan Shambles, Zombie PI

By: Kevin J. Anderson

Price: $24.95

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: New

Views: 145

Ever since the Big Uneasy unleashed vampires, werewolves, and other undead denizens on the world, it's been hell being a detective - especially for zombie PI Dan Chambeaux. Taking on the creepiest of cases in the Unnatural Quarter with a human lawyer for a partner and a ghost for a girlfriend, Chambeaux redefines "dead on arrival." But just because he was murdered doesn't mean he'd leave his clients in the lurch. Besides, zombies are so good at lurching. Now he's back from the dead and back in business - with a caseload that's downright unnatural. A resurrected mummy is suing the museum that put him on display. Two witches, victims of a curse gone terribly wrong, seek restitution from a publisher for not using "spell check" on its magical tomes. And he's got to figure out a very personal question: who killed him? For Dan Chambeaux, it's all in a day's work. (Still, does everybody have to call him "Shamble"?) Funny, fresh, and irresistible, this cadaverous caper puts the PI in RIP ... with a vengeance.

Title: Death Warmed Over: The Cases of Dan Shambles, Zombie PI

Author Name: Kevin J. Anderson

ISBN Number: 0994340869

ISBN-13: 9780994340863

Location Published: Australia, Satalyte Publishing: 2015

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: C-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Urban Fantasy

Seller ID: 003104