The Cat on the Mat is Flat

By: Andy Griffiths

Price: $12.95

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: New

Views: 90

How did the cat on the mat get flat? Why did Ed and Ted and Ted's dog Fred get spat out of the head of a whale called Ned? Where was Harry Black when Jack the Yak stole the snack from his sack? What happened to Buck the Duck's brand new muck-sucking truck? Who else, apart from Andy G and Terry D, was chased up a tree by an evil bee?The answers to these stupid questions - and many other stupid questions - are contained in this deeply stupid book... Well, what are you waiting for? Open the book and start reading! - Suitable for ages 4 - 104- Rating: Stupid

More Description

Muck Uck Yuck
It's just bad luck
when the truck of a duck
gets stuck in the muck.
Or when a dog on a cog
gets chased by a frog
around the bog of an angry hog.
All of this and so much more
We promise it won't be a snore
These wacky rhymes just don't bore

Title: The Cat on the Mat is Flat

Author Name: Andy Griffiths

ISBN Number: 033042260X

ISBN-13: 9780330422604

Illustrator: Terry Denton

Location Published: Australia, Pan: 2006

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: B-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: CH General Fiction

Seller ID: 002922