False Note #19 EJ12 Girl Hero

By: Susannah McFarlane

Price: $12.95

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: New

Views: 98

When priceless violins are stolen, SHINE suspects evil agency SHADOW is orchestrating something big. But how did the thief just walk out without anyone stopping her? Special Agent EJ12 and the STAR team must work in concert to find out. That's the easy part. As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything. So why does she find doing her school passion project so hard? Perhaps she doesn't after all.

Title: False Note #19 EJ12 Girl Hero

Author Name: Susannah McFarlane

ISBN Number: 1925206025

ISBN-13: 9781925206029

Location Published: Australia, Scholastic: 2015

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: B-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: CH General Fiction

Seller ID: 002610