Australian Military Operations in Vietnam 2E #3 Australian Army Campaigns Series

By: Albert Palazzo

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From 1962 to 1972 Australia joined the United States in fighting a communist inspired insurgency war in the jungles of South Vietnam against infiltrators who sought to overthrow the local government. Over 50,000 Australians served in Vietnam, 519 lost their lives, and the conflict ended ignominiously in the insurgents' victory. Over 30 years later, Australia again finds itself joined with the United States in a struggle against an insurgency, this time in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan. Although now in the past, the Vietnam War resonates with lessons for the Australian Army as it strives to defeat not Communism but Terrorism. Australian Military Operations in Vietnam highlights some of the successes and failures of an earlier generation of officers for the benefit of today's leaders.

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From 1962 to 1972 Australia joined the United States in fighting a communist inspired insurgency war in the jungles of South Vietnam against infiltrators who sought to overthrow the local government. Over 50,000 Australians served in Vietnam, 519 lost their lives, and the conflict ended ignominiously in the insurgents' victory. Although now in the past, the Vietnam War resonates with lessons for the Australian Army as it strives to defeat not Communism but Terrorism. Australian Military Operations in Vietnam highlights some of the successes and failures of an earlier generation of officers for the benefit of today's leaders.

Title: Australian Military Operations in Vietnam 2E #3 Australian Army Campaigns Series

Author Name: Albert Palazzo

Edition: 2nd Edition

ISBN Number: 0980475384

ISBN-13: 9780980475388

Location Published: Australia, Big Sky Publishing: 2009

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 24.5 x 17.5 x 1.3 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Vietnam War

Seller ID: 002606