#9 Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers

By: Dav Pilkey

Price: $12.95

Quantity: 2 available

Condition: New

Views: 142

When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they were under arrest and headed for prison. Then Harold foolishly uttered the fateful words, 'What could be worse than going to jail for the rest of our lives?' and changed the course of human history. In this ninth epic novel, Dav Pilkey takes readers back in time to the carefree days of kindergarten, when the worst thing George and Harold had to face was NOT evil mad scientists or alien cafeteria ladies but a sixth-grade bully named Kipper Krupp, the nephew of their clueless school principal.

Title: #9 Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers

Author Name: Dav Pilkey

ISBN Number: 1742839193

ISBN-13: 9781742839196

Location Published: USA, Scholastic: 2013

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: B-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Comic Strip & Graphic Novel

Seller ID: 002554