Changi Photographer: George Aspinall's Record of Captivity [used book][out of print] *** OUT OF STOCK ***

By: George Aspinall and Tim Bowden

Price: $30.00

Quantity: 10 available

Condition: Good

Views: 207

Even before he became a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese in Singapore in 1942, George Aspinall was nicknamed 'Changi' Aspinall by his 2/30th Battalion mates. At lights-out time in Birdwood Camp, George was invariably 'down at Changi Village' helping to process photographs he and his friends had taken of their new and exotic tropical surroundings. After captivity that hobby became a private obsession that saw George not only taking secret photographs in the Changi area, but up on the appalling Thai/Burma Railway. He not only took photographs at great personal risk, but actually processed them on the spot, using chemicals smuggled in medicine bottles from Singapore. The engenuity and resourcefulness of this teenage Australian private soldier have resulted in a unique visual diary of captivity.

Title: Changi Photographer: George Aspinall's Record of Captivity [used book][out of print] *** OUT OF STOCK ***

Author Name: George Aspinall and Tim Bowden

ISBN Number: 0642975590

ISBN-13: 9780642975591

Location Published: Australia, ABC Enterprises: 1985

Binding: Hardcover

Book Condition: Good

Jacket Condition: Good

Size: 22.7 x 21.5 x 1.7 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: World War II, Photographic Collections, POW

Seller ID: 002261

Keywords: 9780642975591, australia, changi photographer, george aspinall, george aspinall's record of captivity, the really good book shop, tim bowden