Live to Tell #4 D. D. Warren [used book]

By: Lisa Gardner

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

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Danielle often thinks about that night when her childhood her ended. The sound of her father shooting her mother and then hunting down her brother, as she cowered under her duvet, trying to drown out the sound. She can remember the sound her brother made as he was killed. And she can remember her father standing in the doorway of her bedroom, saying 'I'm sorry, Danielle...' before he turned the gun on himself. Haunting enough for any child, but Danielle has always wondered, why not her too? Why did her father let her go? Years later, Danielle is working in a hospital that deals with the most violent and damaged of children. And someone there knows something about her past, and is prepared to kill to keep it quiet...

Title: Live to Tell #4 D. D. Warren [used book]

Author Name: Lisa Gardner

ISBN Number: 1409101053

ISBN-13: 9781409101055

Location Published: UK, Orion Books: 2010

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Trade Paperback

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Crime Thriller, Police, Detective & Reporter

Seller ID: 001605