The Firm [used book]

By: John Grisham

Price: $6.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 150

When Mitchell McDeere qualified third in his class at Harvard, offers poured in from every law firm in America. Bendini, Lambert and Locke were a small, well-respected firm, but their offer exceeded Mitch's wildest expectations: a fantastic salary, a new home, and the keys to a brand new BMW. It was his dream job - but it was to become his worst nightmare. Unravelling a complex trail of secret files, undercover surveillance, and millions of dollars of illegal mob money, Mitch stumbles across a shocking conspiracy and a horrifying truth: nobody has ever left Bendini, Lambert and Locke - and anybody who has ever tried has ended up dead.

More Description

When Mitchell McDeere qualified third in his class at Harvard, offers poured in from every law firm in America. The firm the Mitchell McDeere chose was small, but-well respected. They exceed Mitch's wildest dreams: eighty thousand a year, a BMW and a low-interest mortgage. Now the house, the car and the job are his. Then the nightmares begin.

Title: The Firm [used book]

Author Name: John Grisham

ISBN Number: 0099830000

ISBN-13: 9780099830009

Location Published: UK, Arrow Books: 1991

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Political & Legal, Crime Thriller

Seller ID: 001581