The Lake House #2 When the Wind Blows [used book]

By: James Patterson

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 130

The six children have escaped horrifying government experiments, a childhood in captivity, and a frightening brush with death. Living out in the world for the first time, they yearn to be reunited with Kit and Frannie, the couple who saved their lives. And Max, the leader of the flock, is seized by an overpowering fear that the kids are about to face a danger greater than any they've ever known. All that the children want is to return to the one place they have ever felt truly protected--the waterfront cabin known as the Lake House. But in order to get there, they must thwart the sinister plans of a survivor from their worst nightmare--plans that not only keep Kit, Frannie, and the children in constant peril, but threaten the future of human existence. And it's a battle they must be willing to pay any price to win. THE LAKE HOUSE is the completion of James Patterson's most original and compelling story ever, When the Wind Blows--a conclusion that millions of readers have awaited for years.

Title: The Lake House #2 When the Wind Blows [used book]

Author Name: James Patterson

ISBN Number: 0755300270

ISBN-13: 9780755300273

Location Published: UK, Headline Book Publishing: 2003

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Trade Paperback

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Crime Thriller, Police, Detective & Reporter

Seller ID: 001308