The Other Side of the Story [used book]

By: Marian Keyes

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 105

The agent Jojo, a high-flying literary agent on the up, has just made a very bad career move: she's jumped into bed with her married boss, Mark ...The bestseller Jojo's sweet-natured client Lily's first novel is a roaring success. She and lover Anton celebrate by spending the advance for her second book. Then she gets writer's block ...The unknown Gemma used to be Lily's best friend - until Lily 'stole' Anton. Now she's writing her own story - painfully and hilariously - when supershark Jojo stumbles across it ...Three girls hoping and sometimes needing to make it big in the publishing world. But did anybody ever tell them that there's always another side to every story?

More Description

Jojo Harvey is a literary agent whose star is on the rise. In love with both her married boss and her burgeoning career, not much distracts her. Until she finds herself representing two women who used to be best friends.

Title: The Other Side of the Story [used book]

Author Name: Marian Keyes

ISBN Number: 0140295992

ISBN-13: 9780140295993

Location Published: UK, Penguin: 2008

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: B-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Contemporary

Seller ID: 001168