Hidden [used book]

By: Katy Gardner

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 99

A trail of blood winding through a squalid flat in Margate leads DCI Dave Gosworth to the body of Jacqui Jennings, her skull smashed with a chisel. For Dave it is just the start of a long and puzzling case...Forty miles away in South London a young single mother named Melanie Stenning is blissfully unaware of Jacqui's life and death. But that trail of blood will one day lead straight to her door - with terrifying repercussions. For Melanie is about to fall in love with a stranger...Fourteen months later, Melanie has a new husband, a new baby and a new home on the isolated Kent coast. But when her seven-year-old daughter Poppy disappears, she is forced to question everything in her new life, including the man she loves. Because DCI Dave Goswrth has come knocking - with some chilling questions...

Title: Hidden [used book]

Author Name: Katy Gardner

ISBN Number: 0718146816

ISBN-13: 9780718146818

Location Published: UK, Michael Joseph Ltd: 2006

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Trade Paperback

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Crime & Mystery

Seller ID: 001089