The Heart Sutra: Becoming a Buddha Through Meditation

By: Osho

Price: $19.95

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: New

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The Heart Sutra, originally a very short set of verses, was given in privacy. It was a message to one of Buddha's close disciples, Sariputra, and was specifically addressed to him. Over time, the Heart Sutra became one of Buddhism's core teachings. In these ten talks Osho presents the powerful message of these ancient words and brings them to a modern audience - one with different minds and needs than the original audiences of Buddha more than 2,500 years ago. Osho's message is not about Buddha the historical figure: instead, he addresses his readers and listeners and encourages them to discover their own inner reality, their own buddhahood. Like Buddha's, Osho's message is about meditation and meditation alone - "rely only on your meditation and nothing else." Osho also speaks on the seven chakras, the energy centers of the human body, and their corresponding relationships to the physical, psychosomatic, psychological, psychospiritual, spiritual, spiritual-transcendental, and transcendental aspects of human growth and consciousness.

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The Heart Sutra, originally a very short set of verses, was given in privacy. It was a message to one of Buddha's close disciples, Sariputra, and was specifically addressed to him. Over time, the Heart Sutra became one of Buddhism's core teachings. In these ten talks Osho presents the powerful message of these ancient words and brings them to a modern audience -- one with different minds and needs than the original audiences of Buddha more than 2,500 years ago. Osho's message is not about Buddha the historical figure: instead, he addresses his readers and listeners and encourages them to discover their own inner reality, their own buddhahood. Like Buddha's, Osho's message is about meditation and meditation alone -- "rely only on your meditation and nothing else." Osho also speaks on the seven chakras, the energy centers of the human body, and their corresponding relationships to the physical, psychosomatic, psychological, psychospiritual, spiritual, spiritual-transcendental, and transcendental aspects of human growth and consciousness.

Title: The Heart Sutra: Becoming a Buddha Through Meditation

Author Name: Osho

ISBN Number: 1938755901

ISBN-13: 9781938755903

Location Published: USA, Osho International: 2014

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: The Mind, Oriental & Indian Philosophy, Buddhism, Meditation

Seller ID: 000638