Stars and Galaxies # 100 Facts, Projects, Quizzes, Fun Facts

By: Clive Gifford

Price: $13.95

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100 Facts Stars and Galaxies covers key topics in easily-digestible, numbered facts. Every page showcases amazing illustrations and photographs that clarify difficult points for children. An amazing space book for both confident and reluctant readers aged 7+. Essential topics covered in 100 Facts Stars and Galaxies: How a star is born What happens when galaxies collide How many stars exist in the Milky Way Examples of 'I don't believe it' fascinating facts: The core of a protostar needs to be 10 million degrees Celsius before nuclear reactions occur. White dwarfs are so dense that a single teaspoon of them could weigh 14 tonnes - more than two African elephants! Supernovae explosions fling out gas and dust at high speed - as fast as 30,000 kilometres per second. Activities to make learning accessible and interactive include: Make binary stars out of modeling clay. Understand how galaxies in the Universe are formed with just a balloon. Quiz question: Which is the most common gas in a nebula?

Title: Stars and Galaxies # 100 Facts, Projects, Quizzes, Fun Facts

Author Name: Clive Gifford

ISBN Number: 1782096485

ISBN-13: 9781782096481

Location Published: UK, Miles Kelly Publishing: 2015

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 29.7 x 22.8 x 0.8 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Space

Seller ID: 003113