The Black Knight [used book]

By: Connie Mason

Price: $5.50

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

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He rode into Chirk Castle on his pure black destrier. Clad in black from his gleaming helm to the tips of his toes, he was all battle-honed muscles and rippling tendons. In his stark black armor he looked lethal and sinister, every bit as dangerous as his name implied. He was a man renowned for his courage and strength, for his prowess with women, for his ruthless skill in combat.But when he saw Raven of Chirk, with her long, chestnut tresses and womanly curves, he could barely contain his embroiled emotions. For it was her betrayal twelve years before that had turned him from chivalrous youth to hardened knight. It was she who made him vow to trust no woman--to take women only for his pleasure. It was she who had made him ruthless and bitter and incapable of love. But only she could unleash the passion in his body, the goodness in his soul, and the love in his heart.

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Embittered by their encounter when he was a young page, Drake, now known as the Black Knight, confronts beautiful Raven of Chirk with mixed feelings.

Title: The Black Knight [used book]

Author Name: Connie Mason

ISBN Number: 0843946229

ISBN-13: 9780843946222

Location Published: USA, Leisure Books: 1999

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Mass Market

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Historical Romance

Seller ID: 002987