Anchor Hocking Decorated Pitchers and Glasses: The Fire King Years

By: Philip L. Hopper

Price: $37.95

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Condition: New

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Covering the years 1950 to 1970, this fascinating book provides a detailed look at the Fire King pitchers and glasses produced by the venerable Anchor Hocking glass company, established in 1905 and still in business today. Over 350 color photographs beautifully display these Fire King wares, ranging from Tilt Ball and juice pitchers to frosted glasses and cocktail sets. The succinct text describes the evolution of Anchor Hocking pitcher design and teaches collectors how to differentiate Anchor Hocking from similar companies' glassware. Catalog pages are included, along with an index, and current market values in the captions.

More Description

Covering the years 1950 to 1970, this fascinating book provides a detailed look at the Fire King pitchers and glasses produced by the venerable Anchor Hocking glass company, established in 1905 and still in business today. Over 350 color photographs beautifully display these Fire King wares, ranging from Tilt Ball and juice pitchers to frosted glasses and cocktail sets. The succinct text describes the evolution of Anchor Hocking pitcher design and teaches collectors how to differentiate Anchor Hocking from similar companies' glassware. Catalog pages are included, along with an index, and current market values in the captions.

Title: Anchor Hocking Decorated Pitchers and Glasses: The Fire King Years

Author Name: Philip L. Hopper

ISBN Number: 0764314882

ISBN-13: 9780764314889

Location Published: USA, Schiffer Publishing: 2002

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Size: 27.9 x 21.6 x 1.0 cm

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Ceramics & Glass

Seller ID: 002263