Intrigues #1 Blending Enthroned [used book]

By: Sharon Green

Price: $9.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

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When the masters of elemental magic'-six extraordinary men and women-'merge the primal forces they represent, the ultimate sorcerous union comes to be: The Blending. Lorand, Rion, Vallant, Tamrissa, Jovi . . . and Naran, possessor of the newly discovered prescient power of Sight, came together to wrest a beleaguered empire from the strangling grasp of treacherous nobles and to save it from the savagery of invading armies. Now it is the benevolent Six who reign, and the common people have found a voice at last. But now the Ruling Blending are ensconced in the bloodthirsty arena of politics-'where their magicks may hold no sway.In the roiling waters of the ruling court, the hungry sharks are swimming. Across foreign borders, sinister plots are being hatched to conquer the fledgling republic. But there is a dark, hidden enemy growing ever-stronger amidst the riot of traitorous schemes and secret intrigues' a terrible malevolence which, when it reaches the peak of its power, will wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting empire . . . and on everything and everyone beyond.

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Lorand, Rio, Vallant, Tamrissa, Jovvi, and Naran assume the leadership of the fledgling republic, and face dark intrigues among their own people, sinister plots by foreign powers, and a malevolent evil enemy of extraordinary power.

Title: Intrigues #1 Blending Enthroned [used book]

Author Name: Sharon Green

ISBN Number: 0380812932

ISBN-13: 9780380812936

Location Published: USA, Avon: 2000

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Mass Market

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Epic & Heroic

Seller ID: 002057