Oprah Winfrey: The Real Story [used book]

By: George Mair

Price: $8.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 143

As a black woman in a business dominated by white males, Oprah Winfrey has become a symbol of hope and success to a legion of fans. Born illegitimate and virtually abandoned in the deep South, Oprah has made it to the top of her chosen field with remarkable determinatin and talent. The path to fame was neither smooth nor painless. Oprah's unsettled, and often harsh, upbringing propelled her into a wild and promiscuous existence which continued until the strength of her ambition landed her a job in radio. The move into television created additional personal pressures and, at one particular low point, Oprah even contemplated suicide. This book reveals the inside story of Oprah's on-screen battle with dieting, her long-standing relationship with her boyfriend, Sted Graham, and his ultra-right-wing connections and her own private conflicts and interests.

Title: Oprah Winfrey: The Real Story [used book]

Author Name: George Mair

ISBN Number: 1854103261

ISBN-13: 9781854103260

Location Published: UK, Aurum Press: 1995

Binding: Hardcover

Book Condition: Good

Size: Royal

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Movie & TV Personalities & Actors

Seller ID: 001596