Who Killed Bianca? #2 Who Killed...? [used book]

By: Emma Darcy

Price: $7.00

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: Good

Views: 250

This is the trip of a lifetime and K.C. is going to use this holiday to recharge, relax and meet new people. As the passengers assemble on the platform, waiting to board one of Australia's most historic trains, The Ghan, K.C.'s curiosity begins to work overtime. This cast of characters could 'add colour' to her latest romance novel. Maybe she could find inspiration in their stories? One passenger in particular catches K.C.'s eye - a sleek figure in a black Armani suit looking every inch the social identity. It is Bianca Bernini, renowned gossip columnist. It seems that she is turning many heads, and to K.C. it looks as though they aren't gazing admiringly at this woman. Her poison pen could have touched many of their lives and this journey might make public any grudges. Or worse...

Title: Who Killed Bianca? #2 Who Killed...? [used book]

Author Name: Emma Darcy

ISBN Number: 1741829054

ISBN-13: 9781741829051

Location Published: Australia, Redwood Editions: 2002

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: Good

Size: A-format

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Police, Detective & Reporter

Seller ID: 001131