Messages from Your Angels: What Your Angels Want You to Know

By: Doreen Virtue

Price: $21.95

Quantity: 1 available

Condition: New

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Messages From Your Angels is the sequel to Doreen Virtue's bestselling Angel Therapy. It is a channeled work that contains fresh and uplifting information from the angelic realm. The angels, including Archangel Michael, provide healing messages that will help you discover your life's purpose, understand your romantic relationships, heal from emotional pain and make crucial life decisions. Doreen has received letters from people all over the world who have found Angel Therapy to be a steady source of comfort and assistance. Many readers keep the book next to their bed and open it randomly, using it to access spiritual knowledge and Divine guidance. Messages from Your Angels continues in that vein to provide you with new levels of contentment, inspiration and direction - and it will function as a divination tool as well.

More Description

Messages from Your Angels is a sequel to the bestselling Angel Therapy. This is a channeled book that contains uplifting and fresh information from the angelic realm. The angels, including Archangel Michael, provide healing messages that help readers to heal from emotional pain, find their life's purpose, understand their love life, and make decisions about important life areas. It receives many letters from people who find Angel Therapy a steady source of comfort and guidance. Many people keep Angel Therapy next to their bed, and open it randomly, like an oracle. Messages from Your Angels will offer new levels of comfort, inspiration, and guidance, and will function as a divination tool as well.

Title: Messages from Your Angels: What Your Angels Want You to Know

Author Name: Doreen Virtue

ISBN Number: 1401900496

ISBN-13: 9781401900496

Location Published: USA, Hay House Inc: 2003

Binding: Soft cover

Book Condition: New

Kg: 1.00 Kg

Type: Book

Categories: Angels

Seller ID: 001041